3 Reasons to Become a Writer


Why Should You Become a Writer?


If you have ever wanted to become a writer, now’s the time. With the availability of self-publishing on the rise, the market is becoming saturated with crappy e-books and bad romance novels.

The World desperately needs good writers. The World needs you!

If you are on the fence about becoming a writer, let us help to convince you.

1. You make your own schedule –

as expressed in the Post below by DirtySciFiBuddha – sometimes a manchild writer just needs to flex. If you become a writer, you work on flex time.

How to sleep if you’re a true Man Child: Always flexed, always armed. Flexed in case I need to impress any hot soccer moms that bust in on me and interrupt my snooze with a torrid makeout session, and armed in case I’m attacked by zombies, honey badgers, or Hordak. …I know: I should be writing. […]

via Man Child Mondays #7 — Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

2. You choose your own Topics.

Whether you write freelance, ghostwrite or become an indie author, it is up to you what subjects you choose to write about.

3.  No Suits and Ties

When you choose to be a writer, you will spend most of your time working from home or in a casual office environment. There will, of course, be opportunities to dress up and go out but, it will not be a requirement. Many freelancers still choose to dress up but, the point is… it’s up to you because you’re the boss



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